Old Man Mountain Front Rack

para tenedores fijos o con suspensión. Elemento imprescindible para viajar en bicicleta de manera más estable y segura, los rack delanteros son practicamente inexistentes en Colombia a menos que uno los mande a hacer. Los Old Man Mountain, mientras compiten bien en su precio, prometen ser resistentes, versatiles y confiables. Viajeros serios en el hemisferio centro-sur, denle una mirada a estos bichos.
From the beginning Old Man Mountain has offered front racks that are perfect for both suspension and rigid forks. If you're going off-road, check out the Cold Springs or Sherpa. If you want to carry your bags lower to the ground and you don't need the convenience of a top plate, then the Ultimate LowRider or AC LowRider is for you.
The Cold Springs Front
is simply the baddest front rack on the market today. Boasting a 50 lb. dynamic load capacity and a wide top shelf, it gets the job done, and then some. "I just went cycle touring in Madagascar with one of your rear bike racks. It was SO GOOD!!! The best bike rack I have ever had (and I have tried out a few). The design is perfect. It didn’t wobble, didn’t loosen, didn’t break anything. WELL DONE!

—from Steve's website
Old Man Mountain Front Racks