Sony W1: Manuales en Linea

Sony DSC-W1
Esta es la primera nota en el Blog en relacion al equipamiento de viaje que estoy organizando. La idea es registrar cada elemento que pueda jugar un papel importante, aparte de la misma cicla.
Bueno despues de reponerme del robo de mi anterior camara digital y lograr ahorrar para una nueva, he buscado un modelo pensando en las ventajas que pueda ofrecer durante las condiciones del viaje en Bici.
Auto Mode: is the simplest recording mode. It lets the W1 handle all settings but by the same token offers few user controls aside from image size.
Program Mode: is the alternative to the Auto mode. With the Program mode the camera still selects the aperture and shutter speed, but the user has control over all the other possible settings for the camera, including sensitivity (ISO), focus mode, metering, etc.
Manual Mode: allow control over the selection of the aperture and of the shutter speed. The shutter speed range covers from 1/1000 sec down to 30 seconds and two apertures are available: f2.8 and f5.6 at the widest angle and f5.2 and f10 at the maximum telephoto setting.
wilight Mode: sets the flash to Off and forces sensitivity to 100 ISO to reduce noise. Noise reduction is applied to images captured at low shutter speeds (maximum 2 seconds).
Twilight Portrait Mode: uses Auto white balance, 100 ISO, and uses the flash in Slow Synch. Should Red-eye Reduction be necessary, it has to be enabled in the Setup menu. Shutter speeds can be as long as 2 seconds and noise reduction is applied to long exposures.
Candle Mode uses a centre focus — not the default multi-area — sets the white balance to daylight and cancels the flash. Sensitivity is set to Auto and can vary from 100 to 250 ISO. The lowest shutter speed is 1 sec.
Beach Mode: increases blue saturation to enhance beach scenes. Sensitivity is automatically controlled and ranges between 100 and 320 ISO. Flash modes are limited to Forced On or Off
Soft Snap Mode softens focus to improve portraits and accentuates skin tones. Sensitivity is automatically selected by the camera and can range from 100 to 320 ISO while the shutter speeds cover from 1/8 to 1/2000 sec.
and shutter speeds only go as low as 1/8 sec.
- 640 (Fine): offers a 640 x 480 pixel frame size but is only available if a Memory Stick Pro is used.
- 640 (Standard) also records a 640 x 480 pixel frame, but with a stronger compression. Standard Memory Sticks can be used.
- 160 has a frame size of 160 x 112 pixels and a standard compression.
Movie: serves to record videos in any 1 of 3 formats:
In all cases, movies are recorded at 25 frames per second and the optical zoom is disabled during recording. Focus, exposure and white balance are adjusted as necessary during the recording. Recording lasts as long as there is space on the Memory Stick.
The top LED is red and serves to indicate when the Self-timer is on, or the camera is saving an image. The middle LED is green and indicates the status of the auto focus and auto exposure. When the camera has successfully locked both focus and exposure, the LED is solidly lit, and a beep is heard. Should the camera be unable to focus, the LED flashes slowly. The lower LED is orange and indicates that the flash may be needed by flashing slowly, or is charging; while a solid orange light indicates the flash is ready for use.
Capacidad para la Memoria Memory Stick de 32 Mb de fabrica:
5M = 12
3M = 20
1M = 50
VGA = 196
Sony W1 compared to the Nikon D100